Yesterday as Tobin was assembling a magnet alphabet on our refrigerator, she stumbled upon a wire basket attached to the side of the multi-purpose household appliance. The little, metal receptacle holds important papers, business cards, paper clips and other writing utensils the likes of which hadn't made contact with the humans of the house in years.
In the basket she also found a small, red, spiral-bound notebook which was placed there with the intention of being convenient but sadly forgotten, forlorn and waiting for this moment.
Clutching the notebook to her chest, Tobin asked me if she could have it. I said yes and removed several pages of shopping lists and notes about credit cards and monthly budgets before handing it over.
In her excitement, Tobin turned to her brother, pen in hand, and said, "Come on, Dax. Want to come with me while I do my Happy Work?"
She then clarified, "That's homework for my school."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
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